Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Party Time!!!

We must have looked like a parade or part of the political campaign as we drove down the dusty dirt road for the destination of our party. There were 18 people tightly packed into the small mini-bus but that didn’t seem to bother anyone. There was lots of wonderful traditional Rwandan singing. It was just as thrilling to watch as it was to be a participant. I find that a lot here. We finally arrived to the beautiful Lake Muhazi.

The event was just wonderful…everyone seemed to be have such a great time! Highlights for me were talking with other staff, taking lots of pictures, playing frisbee, swimming in the lake, going on a boat ride, and the singing with traditional dance. The boat ride was really cool. I went in one of the small Rwandan fishing boats. I learned all about being a fisherman in Rwanda. They go out from 6pm to 6am. Sometimes they even sleep in the water. As I went for a ride, the fisherman kept using a bucket to take out the water that was filling the boat. He asked if I had fear but I was having such a great day that if I went over, it would just add to the excitement.

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