Monday, August 30, 2010

A Representative of the American Culture

Tonight I was asked to be the representative of the American culture for the village's culture club. They're wanting to learn about many different cultures. After I spoke on different topics, I asked the kids about what surprised them the most. Here's what they said.

They asked about relationships...they especially wanted to know if you can have a boyfriend/girlfriend in school. I told them many people in high school are in a relationship and they can even hold hand or kiss at school. They were shocked. Another person raised their hand and asked, and they don't get in trouble? In Rwanda, a head master can kick out students if they are caught kissing.

In Rwanda if you ask a kid where an egg comes from they will say a chicken. There was a questionaire asked to kids in the states. When they were asked where an egg comes from, the most common answer was the grocery store. I explained to them that there are many people in the states that have never even seen a farm.

I hope that I representated the USA well in my's a lot of pressure to represent an entire country.

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