Friday, April 23, 2010

A Lesson on Strength and Happiness

While I was in Israel, I had the opportunity to think about my goals for when I return to the village…both personal and professional. I realized that some of my best times in the village come when I get to spend time with the girls in my family.

It was so great to return to the village…it feels so good to be back! It’s also very difficult. One of the kids in the village drowned in a lake over the vacation. It hasn’t been easy but there have been memorials for him. It was also a difficult time for the kids because it was Genocide Awareness Day over the break. Most all of the kids lost family during the genocide.

Last night I went to the house of my family for family time. There were only a few girls at the house and I went into one of the rooms. One of the girls was in bed and I sad on her bed to talk. I asked her about her vacation and she began to tell me her genocide story. I just sat there as her story began to unwind. She was a baby during the genocide. She was one the back of her mother when someone killed her. I was told that if she was a boy, they would have also killed her. She had a brother that was killed. Can you imagine being on the back of your mother while she was killed? Over and over she told me about how confident that she feels...she's definetely one of the strongest person that I have ever met. She began to talk about where she gets her strengh and her desire to make something of her was so inspiring.

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